At Blu Tree Realty is a full-service brokerage company. Our business portfolio extends into single-family homes, land and commercial real estate. Our culture believes in fostering growth and helping our agents reach their goals and help their business grown. At Blu Tree Realty our agents have frequent training and one-on one meetings to help them grow their business with 24/7 broker support.
Blu Tree Realty, LLC has No Junk Fees: No Required Franchise Fees, Accounting Fees, or Technology Fees! Call Blu Tree Realty and schedule your future growth onboarding interview.

To help consumers with their real estate transaction with honesty and transparency.

Be truthful and honest. Be responsible, and dependable. Be accessible to clients, and co-op partners via calls, text, and emails within a timely manner. Follow the Georgia Real Estate and Fair Housing Law(s).